The Green Light


I don't really have anything to post about. I've been wicked sick for the past few days. If I'm not throwing up, I feel like I'm about to. My head hurts. I have a fever. I'm just completely wiped out. It sucks.
But I'm going home this weekend. So that's some good incentive to get out of bed.


What's in a week ...?

So it's been a week since I've been back. It feels like it's been a lifetime. As I sit here with my feast of stoned wheat thins and vitamin water (yeah, dinner of champions), I find that a lot has happened in these handful of days that make up a week.

I started classes, and they seem to be generally the same old same old. I guess that's what happens with core curriculum. Thank God I have a friend in my History of the Universe lecture - one of us can sleep while the other takes notes. More art history and philosophy. More drawn out writing exercises. Though, I really shouldn't use that tone for the art history and philosophy - that's the stuff that keeps me interested.

I reintroduced myself to New York City. And it's still an incredible place, and I still feel tiny and insignificant yet more alive than ever whenever I walk down one of these dirty sidewalks. And I still love you best, Philly.

I played with my friends, from Beach Night to Beer Pong to fried chicken to naps and Christian billboards. I tell you, folks, friends are what keep us going.

Well, I have about a gazillion pages of reading to do. Ok, it's more like 150. But still. Family Guy is on tonight, so I have to get to it.


Hoo-ha shots

Now, I know I haven't updated in about a month. But I had that whole finals thing. And then I was on break. But now I'm back in the Big Apple, and life is going back to normal. Well, as normal as my life can get.
It was a great break, and it was really nice to be with everyone again for a little bit.
Here are some hoo-ha shots. (Wish you were there, Ellie.)