The Green Light


Home Again, Home Again...

It is so nice to be home!
Monday night and Tuesday were sort of surreal, as I unpacked into a new room and settled into a new house. And Tuesday, I clipped aparagus in our vegetable garden, took care of the chicks in the barn, and did laundry in the barn as barn swallows fought for a nest above my head. It's such a different environment - I love it. I woke up yesterday morning and the back yard was filled with mist coming in off the lake, with the early morning sunlight coming through - you just don't see that in Manhattan.
And now I'm back at the Arboretum. As I process memberships and answer phones and help make events happen (yes, all since yesterday), I find it hard to believe it's been eight months since I last did all this. I really love working here, I love that they know me and I know how things work. The view out my window isn't too shabby either.
Another nice aspect of being home is a certain boy, a boy I am very happy to see everyday (or most days at least) for the next 4 months. Enough of this long distance crap.
So I'm eating a hoagie (I MISSED WAWA), and registering people for the cocktail party here tonight. And I'm pretty much blissful. If only it weren't so humid...

Now when can I see everyone??


An empty room is merciless...

People have been telling me all year how great my dorm room is, how huge it is, how lucky I am to have so much space. And up until today, it was nice. But not now. Now it's big and empty and bare. My suitemate moved out yesterday, and my roommate left this morning. I didn't realize how much of the stuff in here wasn't mine - the TV, the microwave, the little fridge, the light. And I didn't realize how nice it is to have a roommate. I mean, it will be nice to have my space when I'm home, but I never really appreciated how nice it is to have someone around, someone to share random thoughts and food with. I like that.

I'm all packed, aside from my toothbrush. It's been a form of procrastination as I avoid studying for my Psych final tomorrow that, no matter how I do, will not save me from a mediocre grade for the class. I will be getting a bunch of mediocre grades this semester, and I'm disappointed. Not really in myself, I know I worked hard and I know I'm smart. This semester I just took classes that didn't suit me - that's what I get from a late registration time. So I guess I'm just generally disappointed with the semester, and I'm just realizing as final grades come in. But I've made peace with it and I know I'll do better next semester when I'm taking classes I want to be taking, classes that intrigue me and terrify me in the best way. I'm thrilled to be taking on the challenge of the French major, of classes taught in a foreign tongue, of everything being new. But I'm glad to have summer before then.

On a similar note, I'm pretty bummed about the French elections. I mean, I'm not a French citizen, so it's really not something I have a say in, but I'm still not happy. I'm not sure Royal is capable of leading the country, but I can't help but be concerned by the fact that someone like Sarkozy is accepted enough to be elected. I worry about a world that doesn't stand up to the injustice he's capable of creating. I'm biased with my focus on immigration, I know, but it's something I feel very strongly about.

The longer I write, the less I have to turn around and see this massive empty space. I think tonight is the most homesick I've been all year. I'll be home in 24 hours - that's such a wonderful thought.

On a complete other note, I dropped a bag of trash on my toe a few days ago and now walking hurts. It's also a pretty shade of blue. Not cool. My toes and I need to go on a retreat and bond so that we can end this abusive relationship.


Late Night Ramblings

I am so ready to be home. Even though home isn't actually where it used to be, that whole "Home is where the heart is" deal is actually accurate. I miss my stuff. I miss my people. I miss my pets. And I'm ready for the new things. Waking up to wisteria blooming out my window. Baby chicks who need love and attention. Singing and dancing and acting again. Commuting. I'm ready for all the summer classics. Having a tan (via a sunburn). Ocean City. Water in the pool. Wiffle ball. Burgers on the grill. Late nights that turn into early mornings. Bonds that always seem deeper than in the fall.
I've handed in all my final papers, all that's left is a Psych final on Monday. Until then, I'll keep myself occupied by packing and studying. And tomorrow (which is actually today at this point), a very very dear friend is coming to visit and see Spider-Man at midnight. Very good.

It's strange how you form relationships in college. People start out as strangers and in less than two years you're crying when they leave for the summer. Other people start out as enemies for idiotic reasons and wind up as dear friends that you can't explain but can't do without. It's the sort of relationship that neither of you will ever verbalize its importance, but the long talks every few weeks are more important than all the chit chat in between. So here's to peace treaties.