The Green Light


expiration dates

Yesterday, my mom pulled a bottle of green ketchup out of the fridge, wondering how long we had to keep it for. i honestly can't remember when we even bought it. we wondered if it had expired, or if ketchup didn't expire, and what to do with it. should we throw it away, even if it's still good, if it no longer serves a purpose? or should we hold onto it, despite our concerns over its worth, just in case we come to a point in life when we need it? in life, in our relayionships, should we hang on "just in case", or does everything, at some point, have an expiration date that we should observe?


the sequel

last night, we celebrated one of the many birthdays that occured with dinner and a movie. followed by a confused caravan. seriously, jeff lives in MAJOR bumblefuck. but it was worth - a very good time. i highly recommend shrek 2 to all you moviegoers - i think i enjoyed it more than the first - and that's saying something. last night maggie mentioned something about when we saw the first shrek, and i got to thinking about how much has changed in the time between the original and the sequel. some of the same friends, but many new - and many old ones gone. similar tastes in movies. boy problems still exist, but now they are concerning actual relationships - instead of those things we thought were relationships in middle school. i remember vividly the first time i saw the original shrek movie - the group i was with, the couples that were forming, the atmosphere of excitement that it was the beginning of a promising summer, but even more so, the fact that in the fall we would be in high school. it seemed like such an intimidating prospect at the time, but i was thrilled. now i'm facing the start of the summer before senior year, and whatever thrill i saw in high school has most definately faded. in the long run though, how important will any trip to the movies be, no matter the group, or the boyfriend, or the popcorn? will it matter whether it was the original or the sequel, or will all these summertime excursions blend together into a colorful mix of laughter and tears?


is it summer yet?

so i may have beaten the parking omen. i just applied at a bakery (bredenbecks) for a counter position. the morning shift. 5-12. yea, i know, i'm not a morning person. but you know, i could stand a change in schedule. so i'll know in a week or so if i got it.
exams. two down three to go. the big scary one is tomorrow. not big and scary in whether i'll do well or not (i probably won't), but in the sheer amount of info i need to cram into my head.
i'm sad that english is over. euro too. but especially english. i'm gonna miss the group, and i'll really miss having martin as a teacher. sigh.

is it summer yet?


parking omens

i have an exam tomorrow, and i'm still not in exam mode. this could be problematic . . .
today, i was done with classes at 130, so i planned on hitting starbucks and wandering the avenue in search of help wanted signs. however, i was greeted with what i'm considering to be an omen that i should work at cvs - after 10 minutes of trying to find parking, i gave up and came home. so come visit me at cvs.



so allegedly, it's exam week. i think it's a hoax. it definately doesn't feel like the end of the year.
so today i took a wrong turn and ended up far far far from home (ie, where jeff lives). it was an adventure, to say the least.
so chambers lists got posted today - i'm hesitant to embrace the new group, for various reasons, but we'll see ...

i start all my sentences with 'so'. that's odd.

i want to sing. for serious. wouldn't it be loverly . . .


end of the year blues

the concert tonight went well . . . minus a few glitches here and there . . .
it's the end of an era. thanks for a great year you chambers folk.
and the party was fun. though the rest of the evening was less than fun . . .
it's strange for me to be in a position where i'm not in control. i wish i could somehow take control of this, but it's really out of my hands.

onward to exams...



so the first of many graduation parties begins tonight. it's bittersweet, in a way. it's a party, and bolton parties are among the best, yet at the same time, it's almost the beginning of the countdown to when i will once again be abandonned by all my dear seniors as they go traverse the globe and i remain in chestnull hill.
but enough reflection. must get into party mode!


how lovely to be a junior . . .

being able to leave campus is lovely. but what's more lovely is having three straight hours of free periods with which one may exercise this ability.
i can't believe that tomorrow is my last day of classes for junior year. how the hell did that happen? i survived!


rainy days and mondays ... er, wednesdays ...

so today's rain was much more tolerable than last night's. mainly because it was during the day. and i wasn't alone. it was one of those good rains that's just refreshing. twas good.
i can't believe that it's the last week of classes. it doesn't feel like it at all. crazy.
i've been ordered to organize my life (ie, the third floor). this task is both daunting and exciting. and impossible. but hey, it's worth a try, right? even though itll be a mess again in a month.


thnderbolts and lightning, very very frightening

it's thundering. i'm home alone. bummer.
it was a relatively good day - minus the fact that i could've sworn it was thursday. alas, it's still tuesday. and thus, i still have at least 3 more laurelei rehearsals before i can get to the weekend. don't get me wrong, i love laurelei. but our rehearsals never seem to be truly productive. oh well. we'll pull through for the concert on sunday. at 730. at the rec. be there.
ok, must go check out spark notes for the horrendous english book. and hide from the thunder.

oh, and diana should win american idol.
no. i should. =)


le post numero une

so i'm in a french state of mind after finally finishing my paper for le petit prince.
it's strange to be blogging once again, but a good time should be had by all. i'm looking forward to this newfound relationship. aren't you??
you are. i know.