A lack of stage
I miss Chambers.
After two horrible auditions, I'm feeling like a cappella might not be a part of my life anymore. And that's no good. I miss the instant family that comes from Choir Camp. I miss singing in the hallways of Springside. I miss having people around who know I can sing, even if I get nervous during tryouts.
I miss Players.
I don't know if I'm doing theatre this term, and the lack of stage in my future makes me want to cry. I miss the smell of hoagies in the Rec. I miss knowing everyone around me, and having them know me. I miss the saftey net that Players always offered.
I want to go home.
Just so you know, we returning Chambers members spent all of Choir Camp talking about how it wasn't the same without you. But it won't -- and can't -- be the same, because it's a different year and we're all in different places. But you just have to take them as different, and find out how they both can be good. You can do it - I love you!
hannah, At
September 11, 2005 at 4:37 PM
Find a stage. Seriously, find some way to help out whether you're directly on it or not. That's something I really miss in my life and something I regret not sticking with more. The world needs you to light it with your talent and I think you'll be happier for it. Every little thing is gonna be alright sweetie.
Anonymous, At
September 11, 2005 at 4:51 PM
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