The Green Light


best week(end) ever

this has been the best weekend. ever.
blue and gold day (homecoming, day 1): my whole face was blue. i had a blue wig. i ran up and down the field getting people pumped up. (when did i develop school spirit??) by the time we got to the tug of war, it was tied. i'm glad it came down to the seniors. in the end, blue won (which was a nice note to end on) - but i think that the more important victory came a few hours later at the "bonfire" (i know, we haven't had a fire in like 5 years, but i still call it that). we, the seniors, finally listened to each other. and we had a great cheer, we really did. and we won. we actually fucking won. amazing. and coming home to old familiar faces was an added bonus.
saturday (homecoming, day 2): brunch with a dear dear friend who's leaving me for bigger and better things on the west coast. a double viewing of dirty dancing on the couch with my favorite girl. a dance that will not soon be forgotten. the dance was amazing. i just released so much stress, so much anger, frustration ... i sweat it all out on the dance floor. and it brought many things to light - so many things i've been holding onto for so long that i see now can be let go of. it's time to move on. i've changed, they've changed. you can't always fit together, no matter how much you may want to. and new prospects are exciting. we've got a lot of living to do.
sunday (a day of rest): slept in. for real. i haven't done that in ages! players - i'm never as happy as i am at the rec. except maybe in new york or belgium.

speaking of new york:
applications are constantly nagging at me.
and i get to go to my city in 2 weeks! yay!

i realized this weekend that as we face fresh starts in less than a year, we are forming our final memories of each other everyday. every moment is one moment closer to goodbye. we need to cherish every second, store every quote and image. hold on tight now so that we can keep this with us when we leave.


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