The Green Light


shall we dance?

went down to the academy tonight and saw 'the king & i'. so good! the costumes we so incredible, the dancing was mesmerizing, and the music was gorgeous - a feast for the senses. i love being in a theatre, i get the same nervous tingle through my skin when the lights dim whether i'm on or off stage. it's like nothing else, and i wish that i could somehow share that thrill with everyone, somehow let them all in on the little secret that is the theatre and its magic. being there made me ten times more excited about players starting (i know, it hardly seems possible that i could maximize the already all-consuming excitement i feel about it) - i can't wait to be learning lines, building sets, forming priceless memories at every turn. making it sparkle, making it shine, giving 'em hell.

as i settle into my life again and start to plan the future, i've found myself wondering what elements of my past i can bring along for the ride. some, i've determined are neccessities, and i'm trying to find a way to keep them (or get them back). others, i'm prepared to let go of. and then there are some that i'm still not sure of - will they fit? and more importantly, do i want them to? or would it be better to leave them behind and head out on this journey without their presence?


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