The Green Light


U.S.E me

dear god.
i have a feeling that for the next twenty years, whenever i see a canoe, i'm going to have a meltdown. we rowed a 12 mile river. rather, creek. with lots of spiders and prickly trees that one runs into when they aren't skilled canoe-ists. which we weren't. ouch. and ew. and i fell overboard. i don't even know how, but i did. that sucked a lot, except that it cleaned a bit of the grit off. and bunny got attacked by a mouse. and ariane pulled our boat through sludge amongst the lilypads. and we screamed. a lot (hoping to relieve stress ... or get them to think we'd lost it so that we could leave). and we yelled at fern. well, that wasn't her name, but we called her that because we hated her and needed to be able to talk about her without her knowing it. she was the camp guide from hell. way too intense. and her laugh. ah!! but then we had red, and he balanced out her insanity. and we cleaned the pots with dried leaves and buried the remains. and we couldn't wash our hands because it wasn't biodegradable. wow.
ok, i can't recount everything at once ... more later. when my body stops feeling like it's on water.


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