The Green Light


limits on icky moments

i have decided that there should be a limit on how many people that you don't want to see that you can be faced with in one day. and that limit should be one. now, in a perfect world, that number would be zero. however, this is not a utopia, and those icky people that you hide behind large displays in the supermarker to avoid will inevitably wind up in your path. thus, i propose that we limit this unfortunate experience to one a day. any more, and one is bound to start twitching a bit. i know i did, for i was faced with two of these people today. and while i avoided one by hiding behind a stack of diapers, i was discovered and forced into uncomfortable conversation. the other would have been avoided as well, had i not been noticed by someone else and forced out of hiding. these nasty little moments of awkwardness are part of life, but i am suggesting that they be somewhat contained, so as to not drive us over the edge.


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