The Green Light


i am sixteen, going on seventeen

i slept in today. i slept for about 11 hours. lovely. =)
i really did not want to go to work yesterday, but it ended up being a really nice day - i really love my co-workers.
my birthday is in less than a week! i'll be seventeen. i don't feel seventeen ... but i don't feel sixteen either. age is relative, i guess. i can be three, twelve, seventeen, and forty five all in one day. but sixteen has been a good year - a lot of firsts. first AP course, first major crush on a teacher, first weak-in-the-knees kiss, first real relationship (first major bummer of a breakup), first time out on the road alone, first road trip without parents, and so many more firsts. and seventeen is already looking like a promising 365 days. i'm seriously stoked for senior year - there are so many possibilities. and i get to start off the "new year" in belgium (maybe i'll stumble upon another one of those weak-in-the-knees kisses).


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